Thursday 17 September 2015

Generic Conventions

Camera and composition: 
In a film noir, there are many different types of camera angles and use of composition makes them more engaging to watch. In most Film Noir, a common camera angle is low shot and high. Film Noir is often distorted and uncomfortable to look at. There is a lot of close up angles and they use depth of field as well. Reflections, views and faces obscured through objects.

Film noir locations used the everyday urban settings to make what was happening seem even more real to the viewer. Moved from crime movies only happening at the wrong end of town and dodgy areas to everyday locations. They showed a lot of rain and damp streets. low key lighting is used and high contrast images for example dark blacks and whites.

In Film noir the music was very dramatic and the sound was meant to compliment the feeling of pessimism and foreboding that was reflected in the films. In film noir the main sounds you would hear are:

  • Downbeat music (jazz)
  • Heavy breathing 
  • Sudden noises
  • Voice overs
  • Use of quiet and silence
  • Sound effects and ambience of the city 
  • Often grating music

Most film noir's are non-linear, which means they start at the end and then tell the story in flashbacks. They are often shot in day and for night they often use filters as its cheaper. Jump cuts and juxtaposition may also be used. 

The narrative's of film noir have progressed over the year, however a main occurrence of the sam variety still come up. These are:

  • Voiceover narration
  • Fast forward and flashback
  • First person narrative
  • Convoluted ending
  • Elliptical
  • Good cop, Bad cop

In every film noir there is always a Everyman and a Femme Fatal, however there are other characters which are:
  • The Villain
  • The Henchman
  • The Girl next door
The two main characters you need to know about is:
The Femme fatal is a very seductive and manipulative women, they use men as a tool to get what they want, also you will seen in a lot of film noir moves that they smoke a lot and wear red to get the mens attention.
The Everyman is normally the man who falls in love with the femme fatal and does whatever she wants him to do, which can end badly and the ones that get all the blame.



  1. Some good general points here, but you need to refer more explicitly to the films that we analysed as a class. Try to include links to extracts of the films we studied.

  2. You also need to complete a post/presentation on Neo Noir. This was due on the 29th of sept.
